Bridging across the many facets of their identity, blood brothers and DJ duo, the SuperSmashBroz take us on a journey through time, expanding on their earliest encounters with sound and visions for the future of music in Africa and its diaspora.
local·global: How would you describe the work you do?
SuperSmashBroz: We are DJs, music producers, songwriters, artist helpers, and ultimately an energy company. We serve as dot connectors from Africa throughout the global diaspora, with a focus on North America, the West Indies, and Europe.
This comes in the form of throwing parties, playing festivals, and creating music intended to get your vibes right.
LGW: What are some of your main values as creators?
SSB: We prioritize authenticity and being unafraid to step out of our comfort zone. Collaboration and selflessness go a long way in our creative process.
Spirituality is another main value. It holds so much weight in the music we make through the emotions it exudes.
LGW: How did you arrive at your current sound?
SSB: We are true products of our environment. Our upbringing as Nigerians heavily influences our music, from the percussion to traditional Edo instruments and melodies, we always try to implement our heritage into our sound. Our parents played a lot of R&B and soul music as well growing up, so that has certainly influenced us.
Growing up in the Northeast, we were also exposed to many different cultures from neighbors or fellow classmates. From Latinos to Haitians to Cape Verdeans to Jamaicans and Bajans, you can feel elements of each culture in the music we create. Most importantly, our experience as DJs has helped mold us into the musicians we are today. Having a pulse on what type of sounds evoke certain emotions and what can move a crowd and that has been an advantage in terms of developing our sound.
LGW: In what ways has pouring into SSB impacted other areas of your lives?
SSB: Pouring into SSB has brought us closer as siblings and given our family something to root for. It can at times be a lot and make other aspects of your life feel like they’re on the back burner, but we don’t take this journey for granted. It also has allowed us to travel to places we could have never imagined.
LGW: When you collaborate with others, what is most important to you?
SSB: Working with people who are first and foremost good people. Creating with people you actually enjoy outside of creative spaces makes the work that much easier. Also - being unafraid to give/take feedback to make the final product better. Lastly, being okay with trying new things even if it initially feels uncomfortable is very important to us. Being pushed creatively is something we yearn and we hope to work with others who feel the same way.
We have an uncanny ability to identify future stars before the rest of the world does, even those who are “early.” Sometimes it’s just the raw talent, other times it’s an artist’s work ethic combined with a true sense of direction (with talent of course) that helps lol
LGW: What keeps you going?
SSB: The fact that we have so many people, so many loved ones rooting for us to win. Our family and friends give us the energy to keep pushing forward. We also understand the importance of serving as a bridge between Africa and America/Europe. Being able to impact souls both at home and abroad is something we don’t take for granted. That and the grace of God - we were blessed with gifts that were meant to unify, inspire, and make people feel good. It would be a disservice to not keep pushing forward and leaving a positive impact in this world.
Their latest project, "Loved Ones" is now available on all streaming platforms. Check it out here.